Sparrows [Children's Book]
Jason Gray

Sparrows [Children's Book]

$ 19.99

Taking inspiration from the song "Sparrows" by Jason Gray, this story teaches children that God loves and cares for them deeply.

Award-winning musician, Jason Gray, along with children’s book author Jes Woller and illustrator Hilary Griffith team up to tell the story of a young girl who worried constantly. She worried about her little brothers making her late, forgetting to bring her lunch to school, or getting teased about her stutter. When her desk was moved next to Annabelle’s, she had more to worry about than ever. One Sunday morning Ellie heard about how God cares for the sparrows, and something started to change.

Matthew 6:26-27 - Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Jason Gray is an award-winning artist, songwriter, and author whose songs Remind Me Who I Am, With Every Act Of Love, and Sparrows have been staples on Christian radio. He currently lives in Nashville, TN

Jes Woller is a clay vessel, pouring from her eclectic life experience into whatever opportunity God places before her. She calls Milwaukee home with her husband and four children, always anticipating what God may have in store for her next.

Hilary Griffith is a children’s book illustrator and designer based in West Tennessee whose previous work includes Jordan Feliz’s book "Beloved." You can find more of her work and make inquiries at

This read-aloud storybook for 2-to-6-year-olds:

  • Shows young people the character of God through a fun story
  • Teaches kids not to worry because God is in control
  • Sparks family discussions about God's love for his children
  • Makes a comforting bedtime story with its heartfelt message of God’s loving heart

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